Hotel Mistral 4 stelle Termoli

Useful information
for your vacation

Hotel Mistral 4 stelle Termoli


What are the check-in and check-out times?
Check-in from 2p.m. , check-out until 10:00 a.m.
Are pets allowed?
What time is breakfast served?
Is the beach service always included?
Where can I park?
How far from the hotel is the port and the embarkation to the Tremiti Islands?
Do you have an entertainment service or baby club?
Are there pharmacies nearby?
Is there a tourists tax?
Do you have a cot or crib? How much does it costs?
Do you have a bottle warmer?
How can I heat up baby food for my kid?
I bring babyfood/pasta with me for my kid. How can I prepare it?
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